What is a Podcast and Why Not Knowing Can Hurt Your Business – Part 3

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Before you head out and start recording your own podcasts, you should spend some time listening to what other podcasters are doing. If you don’t have an iPod, don’t worry. You don’t need to head out and buy one. If you are running Windows on your computer, Windows Media Player should be able to play just about any audio file you download.

To find podcasts to listen to, Google “free podcasts” and you will get more than enough to give you an idea of what works and what doesn’t. Refine your search by adding a keyword about your industry.

You can also try searching for “free teleclass”. Many business to business entrepreneurs conduct “teleclasses” either for profit or as a lead generation tool. Many teleclasses are free and are very informative.

Other ways to use audio on your website

Many coaches and consultants use free teleclasses or teleseminars as a lead generation tool. If you are selling a high priced product or service, this can be a great way to overcome any objections your prospects may have. By giving them a free taste of what you do, they’ll feel more comfortable working with you. And if you record these teleclasses and offer the audio as a download from your website, it gives one more way you can attract customers.

You can also try recording testimonials from satisfied customers and have the files on your website. While not actually a “podcast,” audio testimonials can be very powerful. One study found that sites with audio testimonials had a 40 percent higher conversion rate than identical sites with text testimonials.

I’m not going to go into the nuts and bolts of how to create and audio recording to post on your website or distribute them via RSS or iTunes here because its too complex and I’m still learning this stuff myself.

If you want to know more I recommend The Podcasting Bible. It’s very thorough. Just don’t let the technical stuff intimidate you. The authors of this book are very into the technology and you don’t need all the high end gadgets the authors recommend unless you get serious about podcasting. You can also try looking for podcasting books on Amazon or your local bookstore.

Andrea J. Stenberg

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