March Video Marketing Playbook: 3 Key Video Strategies for Coaches and Online Entrepreneurs

March Video Marketing Playbook: 3 Key Video Strategies for Coaches and Online Entrepreneurs
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Creating engaging and effective video content can be a daunting task, especially if you’re always scrambling at the last minute to decide what to talk about. My latest video, “What Videos Should You Create This March,” addresses this challenge head-on, offering practical advice for planning a successful video content strategy this month.

Plan and Schedule Your Videos: 

The first step to a successful video marketing strategy is planning. As you read this post or watch the accompanying video, jot down ideas, and decide on the topics for your March videos, and then scheduling them on your calendar. This simple act of planning can significantly reduce procrastination and ensure that your video marketing doesn’t fall to the bottom of your to-do list.

Leverage the Power of Video: 

You may already know this but it’s worth hearing again: all social media platforms are pushing video because users spend more time watching videos than reading other posts. Videos get more likes, comments and shares than other types of content.

This is good for you as a business owner marketing yourself on social media because if you create videos, people will spend more time with your videos.

In addition to more time, video content allows your audience to see your face, hear your voice, and get a taste of your personality. If you’re a coach, course creator, or consultant this is particularly beneficial because new clients are buying into you as much as your courses or services. 

If you prefer to watch content, rather than read a blog post, this video will cover most of what’s in this post.

Three Types of Videos You Should Make This Month:

Create three types of videos to cater to the different stages in the customer journey:

Get-to-Know-You Content: 

Share personal stories or insights that let your audience connect with you on a human level. This could be an introduction video or something as simple as sharing a day in your life or a walk with your pet.

If you’re planning 4 videos this month, make one of these videos

Expertise Videos 

You can tell people you’re an expert but it’s far better to show them you are. That’s what Expertise Videos do. 

Here are three types of Expertise Videos.

Teaching Videos

These are great for coaches and course creators. You can either focus down and do a quick tutorial that walks viewers through how to do actually do something so they get a quick win. But it’s not the entire story. They quickly see they need the next steps, and you’re the person to help them get those steps done too.

Woman teaching on a live video using her laptop

Or you can teach some high level concepts. Things that people need to understand about your area of expertise that helps them see why this topic is important to them and their goals. They won’t be able to actually implement but they’ll have a better understanding of how your lead magnet, course or program applies to them.

Myth Busting

Are there myths and misconceptions that people often have about your industry? These are things that people don’t understand about your field of expertise. Often these myths can be what’s stopping them from working with you. Create a video talking about they myth, why it’s wrong and share the truth.

Shocking Stats

Is there a surprising statistic about your field? If so, that not only makes a compelling subject but including it in the title of the video practically ensures viewers.

Start with the statistic and then explain why it matters, why in applies to your viewers. 

You should create two Expertise videos this month.

Grow Your Business Videos.

It’s all well and good to create videos and other content for social media that gains you visibility and credibility. But at some point you need to tell people how to take the next step with you so you can actually grow your business.

That next step doesn’t have to be to make a purchase (although it can be). It can also be to sign up for your lead magnet, book a call, follow you on social media or even just to leave a comment.

Grow your business written in black marker on a whiteboard

I find a lot of heart-centered entrepreneurs are so focused on providing value they sometimes forget to remind people that they actually have a business and explain how people can work with them. 

If that’s you and you feel uncomfortable with the idea of being too aggressively salesy, don’t worry. You can grow your business without shouting “buy from me” in your videos.

Talk about the problem your free gift solves. Highlight the struggles people have that your free report, mini course or webinar helps people with. Talk about the results they can expect if they follow your teaching. And of course, make sure they know how to get it.

Another great way to grow your business is to use case studies. Tell the before and after story of a client who worked with you. Talk about the way they struggled before they worked with you, share the journey the two of you had together and then brag about their wins.

Make one Grow Your Business video this month.

Ideal Video Length: 

Mark Twain reportedly once wrote, “I apologize this letter is so long, I didn’t have time to make it shorter.”

With that in mind, beginners shouldn’t start with short form videos. It’s an advanced strategy.

Beginners should aim at  keeping their videos between 5 and 15 minutes. This length is manageable for the creator and more engaging for the audience. As you become more comfortable with video creation, you can experiment with longer (or shorter) formats.


By planning your content, understanding the power of video in building connections, and creating targeted content for different stages of the customer journey, you can significantly boost your visibility and engagement.

Ready to implement this video strategy but still have questions or want some personalize guidance. Book a Video Action Session. We’ll hop on Zoom and have a conversation about your business and what your next steps should be.

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