With the financial markets in turmoil, gas prices in perpetual flux and the media pronouncing economic doom and gloom at every turn, it’s no wonder many people are nervous about their financial situation.
Many small business owners are worried; some with good reason. My parents have noticed several businesses they have shopped with in the past have gone under in recent months. Their landscaper had to close down because high gas prices ate up all his margin. I’ve noticed some similar things in my home town as well.
On the other hand, many top-level internet marketers are telling us not to worry; there is still money to be made. They tell us they are still making thousands each month and we can too; it’s just a question of mindset.
But is that true? If you’re mired in debt, not sure of where your income is coming from shouldn’t you be worried? Maybe even give up your business and look for a dreaded j-o-b? Isn’t it a little insane to adopt a “don’t worry, be happy” attitude when Chicken Little is telling us the sky is falling?
But what if these successful people are right? What if money is just a matter of mindset, regardless of what the economy is doing?
I’ve certainly had my financial ups and downs over the years. And yet currently while I am surrounded by all this talk about financial doom, I’m experiencing financial calm in my business and personal life.
My income hasn’t gone up dramatically; in fact it’s been pretty steady for the past six months or so. And my expenses haven’t gone down. I don’t know where economists get their numbers when they tell us that inflation is low. My grocery bill has increased by 50 percent and we all know what gas and utility prices have been doing. Sure, electronics and appliances have gone down. But really, how frequently do most people make those types of purchases?
So what’s changed?
My attitude towards money. Six months ago I made a decision to stop worrying and take concrete action to improve my financial situation. I set some clear financial goals – both for my business and my family. I took a hard look at where I was and what I needed to do to get to where I want to be. I started keeping better financial records; something I’d neglected in the past.
The results: currently I’m in a position of financial calm instead of financial chaos. Where in the past I’d be scrambling at the end of the month to get money for the mortgage payment, I’m now looking at how much money I have in the bank for January’s mortgage – two months ahead. I’m up-to-date on all my bills and have started to reduce my debt. I’m on track to have my personal debt cut in half by next September. Plus I have money available to invest in my business.
This wasn’t rocket science, nor magic. It really was a case of taking what I already knew and implementing it. Isn’t that always the case?
If you are worried about your financial situation, stop! Worrying doesn’t help – actions help. Take a good hard look at your current financial situation. Then create a plan and take action. Use the Law of Attraction and stop focusing on your financial woes. Instead, focus on having more money, attracting more paying clients and achieving your financial goals.
Feel like you need some help?
Two books I highly recommend are Overcoming Underearning: A Five-Step Plan to a Richer Life and Secrets of Six-Figure Women: Surprising Strategies to Up Your Earnings and Change Your Life
These practical and inspirational books by Barbara Stanny really helped me overcome some of my personal money issues. I think they’ll help you too.And yes, Stanny has written them with women in mind as her target audience, but her advice is universal.
Andrea J. Stenberg