Social Media Marketing

Posts about social media marketing including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites. I particularly speak about using social media for coaches, consultants, course creators and other heart centered entrepreneurs.

Get introduced on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Connections – should you connect with people you don’t know? #3

In yesterday’s post I talked about Open Networkers and Selective Connectors. If someone is obviously an Open Networker, feel free to send them an invitation to connect, even if you don’t know each other. But what if they’re a Selective Connector or you’re not sure? How do you get connected without offending them or getting

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Connecting to people you don't know on LinkedIn

LinkedIn Connections – should you connect with people you don’t know? #2

The dangers of sending invitations to people you don’t know Yesterday I told you why I think it’s a good idea to accept invitations on LinkedIn from people you don’t know. But you don’t want to be sitting around waiting for people to connect with you. You need to be proactive with your networking and

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LinkedIn Connections – should you connect with people you don’t know?

If you’ve been on LinkedIn for more than about 5 minutes you’ve probably started to receive invitations from people you don’t know. So the question is: should you accept those invitations? LinkedIn states you should only accept invitations from people you know well. But should you follow LinkedIn’s advice? While this is a personal decision,

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What is social networking? A beginner’s guide

Social networking – aka social media – is a way to connect to people online. The people component is often overlooked when people talk about social networking – they focus on the technology rather than the people. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are examples of social networking sites. It may surprise you to learn that YouTube

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Networking is About Creating a Personal Connection

When you’re networking – either in person or online – if you’re doing it right you’re trying to find something in common with the other person. You need to make a connection. Why? Because everyone prefers to do business with people they know, like and trust. We prefer to buy from them. We prefer to

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Facebook Marketing Myth 5 – Keep Personal and Professional separate

The 5th Facebook marketing myth is that you must keep your personal profile and your business page (fan page) 100% separate. However, what better way to let potential customers get to know, like and trust you than to let them see the real you on Facebook? Don’t miss the other 4 videos in the series.

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Facebook Marketing Myth #4 – It takes too much time

In video number 4 in the series 5 Facebook Myths Sabotaging Your Facebook Marketing I address the issue of how much time social media marketing seems to take. However, the truth is Facebook marketing doesn’t have to take over your life. Here are some suggestions to avoid having Facebook marketing consume hours of your life. Did

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Facebook Marketing Myth #3 – Facebook is only for B2C

Here’s the third video in the series 5 Facebook Myths Sabotaging Your Facebook Marketing.  In this video I address the myth that if your business is B2B (you sell products or services to other businesses) then Facebook marketing isn’t for you. Did you miss the previous videos? Video one is Facebook marketing is only for kids.

Facebook Marketing Myth #3 – Facebook is only for B2C Read More »