Social Media Marketing

Posts about social media marketing including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites. I particularly speak about using social media for coaches, consultants, course creators and other heart centered entrepreneurs.

Infographic: Drive Traffic by Repurposing Your Content

Content marketing is an important tool for promotion and getting people to know, like and trust you enough to become a customer. But it takes time. And not everyone reads blog posts. That’s why you need to repurpose your content. Reuse your great idea in several media formats to reach the most people. Would you […]

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Connecting to people you don't know on LinkedIn

How to Amplify Your Brand on LinkedIn

Having a professional LinkedIn profile can really enhance your image or brand. It establishes your authority, makes you look more professional and can make even the smallest business look like it can compete with bigger companies. This slide show, created by LinkedIn, talks about your profile, your company page and how to engage on LinkedIn.

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Pinterest Marketing: is it a good idea for small business?

As a marketing expert I jumped onto Pinterest fairly early so I could advise my clients. I found Pinterest to be fun – addicting even. More so than even Twitter or Facebook, I found hours disappeared as I looked at pins, repinned and just plain wasted time. But does Pinterest have a business use? I

Pinterest Marketing: is it a good idea for small business? Read More »

How to Set Up a Google Plus Account So You Can do Hangouts

When Google Plus first started it was inhabited mainly by nerds – techie and social media. I tried it out so I could tell my customers about it but found it wasn’t really a good marketing tool for most people. But of course, Google doesn’t rest on its laurels. They’ve changed and expanded this social

How to Set Up a Google Plus Account So You Can do Hangouts Read More »

Is your social media profile photo helping your image?

When people are making a purchase, part of the decision process is looking the salesperson in the eye and deciding how well they trust this person. That is part of the reason why online sales is a little harder. It’s also why social media is so effective as a marketing tool. It gives your online

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Use images in your marketing

The Importance of Images in Your Marketing

Images are becoming increasingly important for online marketing. On social media, content that includes interesting and attractive images gets 94% more views than content without images. And with sites like Pinterest and Slideshare popping up, images are king. But there’s more. When people are searching on Google, 37% say they are more likely to click

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Why you should connect with everyone on LInkedIn

Video: Why You Should Connect With People You Don’t Know on LinkedIn

LinkedIn often tells you to only connect with people you know well and trust. In fact, they make it difficult for you to connect with people you don’t know. But is this good advice? I think if you’re trying to grow your business, it doesn’t make sense not to expand your network on LinkedIn. If

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