Social Media Marketing

Posts about social media marketing including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites. I particularly speak about using social media for coaches, consultants, course creators and other heart centered entrepreneurs.

How to Add Someone You Don’t Know to Your LinkedIn Network

Update Notice: While this article is still relevant you may want to look at a more recent post: LinkedIn Connections – should you connect with people you don’t know? The other day I received the following question: “How do I add a person to my LinkedIn network if I’ve never met them before? I don’t have any

How to Add Someone You Don’t Know to Your LinkedIn Network Read More »

Social Media, SEO and RSS Are Just Tools In Your Marketing Toolbox

The other day I was in a meeting with a group of local internet creative types to discuss some possible group projects. I confess that I went in feeling a little intimidated. Collectively they have graphic design, web design, audio, video and a variety of techie related skills. And to top it off, they’re all

Social Media, SEO and RSS Are Just Tools In Your Marketing Toolbox Read More »

What to do with your Facebook Friends Once You’ve Got Them

When it comes to any type of online marketing, it’s not the size of your list, it’s what you do with it that counts. The same is true with Facebook. Having 300 highly targeted Facebook Friends who you develop an active relationship with will be far more profitable than 3,000 Friends who come from everywhere,

What to do with your Facebook Friends Once You’ve Got Them Read More »

Learn Seven Ways to Generate Business with LinkedIn

I realize it’s only been a week since my teleseminar with Mickael Nadeau about building your business with LinkedIn, but I’m really convinced that LinkedIn is an essential marketing tool, if it’s used correctly. So you’ll have to bear with me as I share some more tips. Another of my LinkedIn connections is Zale Tabakman.

Learn Seven Ways to Generate Business with LinkedIn Read More »

Can Baby Boomers Use Facebook for Marketing Their Small Business?

This will probably show my age – but then again I am blogging on the Baby Boomer Entrepreneur 😉 – but I really didn’t have an interest in Facebook until very recently.I didn’t even join until a year ago. I have some childhood friends who live far enough away that I only see them once

Can Baby Boomers Use Facebook for Marketing Their Small Business? Read More »

Book Review: Let’s Connect: Using LinkedIn to Get Ahead At Work by Ajay Jain

Many people get an invitation from a friend or colleague to join LinkedIn. They accept, sign up, get a couple of other links and then wonder, “now what? So they sit with a LinkedIn account and do nothing further with it. Others put a little more effort in it; they invite their friends and colleagues,

Book Review: Let’s Connect: Using LinkedIn to Get Ahead At Work by Ajay Jain Read More »