Social Media Marketing

Posts about social media marketing including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites. I particularly speak about using social media for coaches, consultants, course creators and other heart centered entrepreneurs.

Why I’m Helping People Get Started with Social Media Marketing

Since learning the ins and outs of LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, I’ve become something of a social media evangelist. I love using social media, I’m getting amazing results and I’m not shy about telling everyone about it. And social media use is exploding. If you believe the hype, everyone is using it. I’ve learned however,

Why I’m Helping People Get Started with Social Media Marketing Read More »

What Does Your Social Media Photograph Say About You?

You would never dream of attending a business meeting in a bathing suit or ripped jeans. And yet, many business professionals do the equivalent with their website and social media profiles. Even people with great profiles and intelligent comments sometimes drop the ball with their photograph. People like to network with people, not anonymous computers,

What Does Your Social Media Photograph Say About You? Read More »

Has the Facebook 5000 Friend Limit Been Raised?

According to today’s Washington Post Ted Leonsis, an AOL executive and owner of the Washington Capitals, passed the 5000 friend limit yesterday. The online article states that when Leonsis hit 5002 last night, nothing happened. So far there’s been no official word from Facebook. Does this mean the limit on the number of Facebook friends

Has the Facebook 5000 Friend Limit Been Raised? Read More »

Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter: Which Social Media Site is For You?

Updated May 2017 If you’re new to social media marketing and trying to figure out where to start, it can be a daunting task. There are so many different sites; where do you go first? Even if there is a social media site devoted specifically to your industry or teeming with your target market, I

Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter: Which Social Media Site is For You? Read More »