Social Media Marketing

Posts about social media marketing including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites. I particularly speak about using social media for coaches, consultants, course creators and other heart centered entrepreneurs.

LinkedIn Events – Use it For Finding or Promoting Events

In November 2008 LinkedIn added an Events Feature. This feature allows members to add events they are organizing or merely attending. Since this feature is fairly new and not yet widely used, it does have some nice potential as a networking and marketing tool. When you go to the events home, it lists upcoming events.

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Twitter Basics: How Virtual Small Talk Can Build Relationships

First thing every morning I open my email, then my web browser, then Word then TweetDeck. The same order every morning. Yes, it’s a tad anal but I don’t even have to look at the screen to switch between applications. This morning when I opened TweetDeck I found a flurry of retweets (people passing along

Twitter Basics: How Virtual Small Talk Can Build Relationships Read More »

Banned From Facebook? Part 3 – Other Things You Should Know

In the previous two blog posts I wrote about Facebook’s unwritten rules which, if broken, can get you banned from Facebook. In today’s post I’m wrapping up this series with some additional thoughts on the subject. Getting Banned Isn’t the Only Issue If you follow ethical networking strategies on Facebook and focus on quality rather

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