Can Using the Law of Attraction Help My Business – Part 5 Final Thoughts

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One area of the Law of Attraction that has given me pause is the idea that we have attracted everything in our life. Now I’m all for personal responsibility. I like knowing I am in control of my destiny. But sometimes sh@t happens. What about natural disasters? Crimes? Accidents?I’ve asked a number of Law of Attraction experts “so what about natural disasters – say Hurricane Katrina or the tsunami in south-east Asia?” They have all answers yes, the people in those situations attracted those events.

Well I’m sorry, but this is where I have to differ from the experts. I think there’s a reason that we have the expression “acts of God” in our vocabulary. Some things are truly beyond our control – sh@t happens.

It doesn’t do us any good to wonder what we did to bring it on. Nothing! We can’t change the past. What matters is asking what can we do next to get ourselves out of this mess.

I agree that too often we let ourselves think things in our lives are out of our control, things have just happened, when really they were the result of choices we’ve made in the past and continue to make today. However, there is nothing productive to be gained from thinking we have power over nature or over the behavior of others.

The key to using the Law of Attraction is recognizing events that we have control over and doing something about them if we don’t like the results we’re getting now. Moaning and whining about what’s wrong in our lives may gain us a little sympathy from our friends but it won’t change anything.

So put the Law of Attraction into play. Define your values, set a goal that is aligned with those values, take action to achieve your goal, hunt out the negative thoughts that are holding you back. If you do these things, the Law of Attraction will be working with you to achieve great things.

Andrea J. Stenberg

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