Andrea J. Stenberg

I'm a social media marketing consultant based in Owen Sound, Ontario. I'm passionate about helping entrepreneurs get new clients with Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest.

Twitter Basics: How Virtual Small Talk Can Build Relationships

First thing every morning I open my email, then my web browser, then Word then TweetDeck. The same order every morning. Yes, it’s a tad anal but I don’t even have to look at the screen to switch between applications. This morning when I opened TweetDeck I found a flurry of retweets (people passing along

Twitter Basics: How Virtual Small Talk Can Build Relationships Read More »

Some Free and Cheap Tools For Creating a Podcast or Teleseminar Recording

One of the great things about going to an event like Podcamp London is coming away with links to amazing tools that I had never heard of before. The first tool mentioned is one I’ve already been using. For editing out long pauses, sneezes and coughs and any other touch-ups to my audio, I’ve been

Some Free and Cheap Tools For Creating a Podcast or Teleseminar Recording Read More »