Andrea J. Stenberg

I'm a social media marketing consultant based in Owen Sound, Ontario. I'm passionate about helping entrepreneurs get new clients with Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest.

Why would you “unfriend” someone on Facebook?

If you are using Facebook as a business networking tool, you’re probably trying to build a broad online network. Many people on Facebook only connect with people they know in the real world. Business people who are using Facebook as a virtual networking meeting however, need to be more of an “open networker” rather than […]

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Post-It Note-itise: How One Entrepreneur Deals with Her ADD

Last week I was watching a documentary about living with ADD. There was one scene where the hosts were standing next to a large wall entirely covered with Post-It Notes. I nearly fell off my chair laughing because as you can see, I completely relate to that particular symptom of ADD. Here’s how Post-It Note-itise

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Branding Your Business: A Most Interesting Case Study

In my last post I talked about having a consistent brand – every experience your customer has with your business must send a consistent message in order for them to trust what you say about your business. Today I’d like to show you how one business is doing this while combining traditional advertising with social

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