Andrea J. Stenberg

I'm a social media marketing consultant based in Owen Sound, Ontario. I'm passionate about helping entrepreneurs get new clients with Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest.

Seth Godin says Real Artists Ship. Do you?

The other day I was listening to the Marketing Over Coffee podcast featuring an interview with Seth Godin, talking about his new book Linchpin. While the entire podcast was interesting – as always – there was one section in particular that stood out. Godin said, “real artists ship.” By artists, he didn’t necessarily mean people

Seth Godin says Real Artists Ship. Do you? Read More »

Don’t lie to me on LinkedIn (or anywhere else)

I’ve been seeing a disturbing trend on LinkedIn; a trend that is making me angry. People are starting their relationship with me by lying. Let me backtrack. LinkedIn has a much more rigid code of conduct than other social networking sites. On Twitter you can start following anyone you want: celebrities, politicians, brands, random strangers.

Don’t lie to me on LinkedIn (or anywhere else) Read More »

Start February off with a Taste from The Blogging Boomers Carnival

Recently I was watching the movie Julie & Julia, the dual stories about the life of Julia Child and of a young woman who decides to cook every recipe in Child’s classic book and blog about the experience. This woman didn’t just talk about cooking and she didn’t just talk about her successes. She blogged

Start February off with a Taste from The Blogging Boomers Carnival Read More »