Andrea J. Stenberg

I'm a social media marketing consultant based in Owen Sound, Ontario. I'm passionate about helping entrepreneurs get new clients with Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest.

Tools for managing your social media presence

Once you’re following more than a couple of dozen people online or are using more than two social media sites, it’s worth considering investing the time to learn one of the social media aggregators. This lets you monitor what your connections are saying, track keywords, even make comments or publish content from a single place,

Tools for managing your social media presence Read More »

What is Creative Commons? Or how to share your copyrighted material

Many entrepreneurs who are publishing online have questions about copyright. In particular they are often worried about their material being stolen. From a marketing point of view, having your blog posts, videos and slide shows reused by others is useful, as long as you get credit (and a link back to your own site). That’s

What is Creative Commons? Or how to share your copyrighted material Read More »