Andrea J. Stenberg

I'm a social media marketing consultant based in Owen Sound, Ontario. I'm passionate about helping entrepreneurs get new clients with Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest.

Having Trouble Creating Content For Your Blog or Newsletter? Change the scenery

Yesterday morning I was sitting in my home office after getting my son off to the bus. My cat, Nemo, was rolling around in front of the computer while I checked my email (he likes a morning cuddle before he gets down to some serious napping for the day). I read my email, read some […]

Having Trouble Creating Content For Your Blog or Newsletter? Change the scenery Read More »

Seven ways to get more traffic to your website without using SEO

In the movie Field of Dreams the ghostly voice told Ray “If you build it they will come.” But that’s not necessarily true of your website. Once you build it, it takes work to get them to come. 1. Include your web address in all printed marketing materials. It may seem simple but you’d be

Seven ways to get more traffic to your website without using SEO Read More »

I hate technology!

Okay, I’m exaggerating. I usually love technology. But sometimes technology – the very thing that’s supposed to increase your productivity and save you time – slows you down.This can happen when you upgrade or change software programs. For example, when I first started using Microsoft Office 2007, they’d changed the layout and commands so much

I hate technology! Read More »