Andrea J. Stenberg

I'm a social media marketing consultant based in Owen Sound, Ontario. I'm passionate about helping entrepreneurs get new clients with Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest.

Are You Missing an Important Target Market?

In a recent phone conversation my mom was complaining about the lack of television programs geared towards older audiences. She’s sick to death of reality television and hates the few dramas the networks do seem to be making. “The population is supposed to be aging,” she complained. “Why aren’t they making television for us?” She’s

Are You Missing an Important Target Market? Read More »

Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter: Which Social Media Site is For You?

Updated May 2017 If you’re new to social media marketing and trying to figure out where to start, it can be a daunting task. There are so many different sites; where do you go first? Even if there is a social media site devoted specifically to your industry or teeming with your target market, I

Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter: Which Social Media Site is For You? Read More »

Succession Planning: Do You Have An Exit Strategy For Your Business?

According to the Canadian Federation for Independent Business over one third of Canadian small business owners plan to leave their business within the next five years, two thirds within the next ten. Yet only ten percent have a formal, written succession plan, 38 percent have an informal plan and 52 percent have no plan at

Succession Planning: Do You Have An Exit Strategy For Your Business? Read More »

Have a problem? Use Social Media to Solve It

One of the hardest things about being an entrepreneur is not having someone to bounce ideas off of. You don’t have anyone in the next cubicle to ask “hey, how do you do …” However, if you’ve built a good social media network, you can have the next best thing. I’m currently organizing a course

Have a problem? Use Social Media to Solve It Read More »