Andrea J. Stenberg

I'm a social media marketing consultant based in Owen Sound, Ontario. I'm passionate about helping entrepreneurs get new clients with Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest.

What Would Happen If You Lost Your Social Media Followers?

One Tuesday last spring, Twitter users logged into their accounts to discover all their followers were gone. So were the people they were following. Instead of being part of one big Twitter party, everyone was alone in the virtual Twitterverse. What happened? Twitter’s server crashed and deleted everyone’s followers. For Twitter addicts this was a

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Blogs Are Social Media Too – Blogging Boomers Carnival 102

When you hear the phrase “social media” you probably imagine sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. I know I do. But we can’t forget that blogs are an important part of the social media world. Unlike static websites which are meant to be a one-way communication, consumed by visitors, blogs are designed to be part

Blogs Are Social Media Too – Blogging Boomers Carnival 102 Read More »

Things You Need to Know Before Adding New Connections On LinkedIn

Update Notice: This is still a useful post, however you might also want to read a more recent one LinkedIn Connections – should you connect with people you don’t know? LinkedIn is one of my favourite social networking sites. It is full of business professionals who use the site for business purposes. No one is going

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The Presidential Inauguration and More at Blogging Boomers #101

Naturally, the inauguration of U.S. president Barak Obama was on the minds of many Blogging Boomers last week. In a time of cynicism and economic uncertainty, it is refreshing to see a political leader who has words of inspiration and hope. And even more refreshing to see him taking decisive action in his first week

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