Are you already behind on your 2018 Facebook posts?

Are you already behind on your 2018 Facebook posts?
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When talking to small business owners I keep hearing about their frustration with Facebook:

  • I don’t know what to post!
  • It takes too much time
  • I keep forgetting to post and now no one is paying attention
  • Why am I posting anyway?

Sound familiar?

I know exactly how you feel. I remember way back in the dark ages (2007) when my best friend from grade 3 told me I had to join this Facebook thing.

I thought “why can’t we just use the phone like normal people?”

Just like when we were kids, I got dragged kicking and screaming into signing up.

And just like when we were kids, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. In fact, I enjoyed reconnecting with old friends.

Even better, I soon noticed businesses were using Facebook to promote themselves. I began experimenting with it myself.

I won’t kid you … Facebook can still be frustrating. It’s changed so much, and the rules keep changing. Pages for business, groups, paid advertising, news feed algorithms. It’s hard to keep up.

But keeping up is worth it. Having an effective Facebook presence allows me to have a higher profile in my industry, adds to my credibility and has allowed me to connect with and work with people I would never have met without Facebook.

Facebook has been such a powerful force in my business, I decided it was time to pass along my knowledge.

That’s why I created a free training event Create a Month of Facebook Content In Just ONE WEEK!

The event starts Monday January 15th. There will be daily emails with training and tasks, accompanied by a daily Facebook Live video training. During the Live video I will expand on the day’s training and take live questions from the audience.

If you are ready to establish your authority in your field, expand your reach and get the next month’s Facebook posts created and scheduled please >>click here<< to join us.

See you Monday!


Create a Month of Facebook Content In Just ONE WEEK!

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