What’s New in the Blogging Boomers Carnival World?

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Welcome to the 210th edition of the Blogging Boomers Carnival.

Magnolia Trees around the corner from a few weeks ago

I’m sitting in my home office looking out the window at the lush green leaves and the blue sky and I’m just so happy it’s summer. Living where I do, I’m certainly not one of those “I hate winter” types but it sure is nice to put away the winter coats and boots for a while.

And while I try to take some time off during the summer, I also find it’s my most productive time. With the sun coming up earlier, I can get up early and get to my desk before all the local kids get online and slow the internet to a crawl.

The early-to-rise syndrome seems to be part of middle age; I certainly didn’t ever get up this early voluntarily in my 20s. Of course, I know many boomers who prefer working late into the night, so maybe it’s just me.

However, what’s not just me is the following collection of article by the Blogging Boomers Carnival. We’re a collection of baby boomers who happen to also blog. Our range of topics are eclectic but if you’re a boomer you’ll certainly find something that is interesting or entertaining.

As always, please visit each of these blogs and then join the conversation by leaving a comment, Tweeting about the post, sharing on Facebook or writing a rebuttal on your own blog.


Are you too old to ride a bicycle? Probably not.

Tom Sightings offers a new entry in his series “Remember Her?” at sightingsat60.blogspot.com/2011/06/remember-her.html.  The woman was a Baby Boomer icon, born in 1946. See if you can guess who she is … but don’t scroll down and cheat!

This week the Accidental Locavore took on Daniel Boulud and Épicerie Boulud in a merguez showdown. Whose sausage reigned supreme? Check out the blog that made Food News Journal’s “Best of the Blogs” this week.

My Garden, Your Garden — It’s Magical!
read more at Vaboomer:  http://tinyurl.com/its-a-garden

Over at Contemporary Retirement, Ann has some tips for staying active well into old age.

Laura Lee aka the Midlife Crisis Queen has been away tending to her parents’ needs this past week, and dealing with the thoughts and feelings that naturally arise.

SoBabyBoomer tells us that the song title, We Didn’t Start the Fire, was the answer to a recent Final Jeopardy – only one person got it right – question was (paraphrased) “What 1980’s song do history teachers praise for its educational value.”

And finally, here’s one from the Baby Boomer Entrepreneur: Don’t Assume People Know What You Do.

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