Using LinkedIn Groups: Moderating is now easier

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Setting up a LinkedIn group is a great way to encourage discussion and get to know new people. However, groups on LinkedIn have been the last bastion of spammers on the site. Unless you had lots of time to moderate the group, too often people would be posting items that are unabashedly promotional, rather than contributing to the group.

Until now.

LinkedIn has changed how you can moderate groups.

First of all, it is now easier for group owners to delete threads that are inappropriate or outright spam. As group owner or moderator, just click the “More” tab then delete. It’s like the spam was never there.

And you don’t have to make moderating the group your full time job. You can get other members of the group on board by making them moderators. Pick people who are active, and who you trust, and ask them to help moderate. They can attack the spam for you.

You can also automate spam removal. Members of the group have the option of flagging any post as inappropriate. You can change the group settings to automatically remove posts that receive a certain number of flags.

You can also moderate the group through your email. First, change the settings to have an email sent any time someone posts to the group. You can actually delete inappropriate posts from right within your inbox.

So, if you’ve been holding off on creating a LinkedIn group because you were worried about spam, get on it now. It’s never been easier to keep your groups on topic.

Andrea J. Stenberg

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