Time for the Blogging Boomers Carnival

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Seems like this is my week for hosting. Here in Owen Sound my dance group just held their big dance weekend plus I was host to two out-of-town dancers who needed a place to stay. It was a lovely weekend and my feet are just starting to recover. I even learned to tango and sort of sing in harmony.Can you imagine me learning to tango?

Now today it’s my turn to host the Blogging Boomers Carnival. We’re a collection of baby boomers who also happen to blog. While our topics may be diverse (travel, fashion, business, aging) we all write from a boomer perspective and for a boomer audience.

The Carnival is a weekly event, with rotating hosts. Each member of the carnival submits their best post of the past week. Each Monday the host puts these posts together into a single post, complete with links.

Your job, as a visitor to the carnival, is to visit the blogs of the articles that catch your eye, read the posts, and if you are so moved, to join in the conversation by leaving a comment or passing along the link via Twitter, Facebook or your social media tool of choice. After all, blogging isn’t just about one person writing and another person reading; it’s about having a conversation.

So, lets get started:

Descending into Mexico’s Copper Canyon, Barbara Weibel at Hole In The Donut Travels takes a hair-raising bus ride to the village of Batopilas, on a dirt road that’s barely large enough for the bus, much less oncoming traffic. The video tells the story.

SoBabyBoomer recommends a Mother’s Day gift guide for staying in touch with each child emotionally; a matter of the highest priority for parents and boomer grandparents.

Want to learn just about everything there is to know about menopause in one place? How about the latest info. on the effectiveness of OTC remedies and estrogen replacement in your 50s?  The Midlife Crisis Queen just reviewed a product that can do all that for you.  Plus it includes a bonus DVD for your partner and family to watch, so they can understand better what you’re going through!

The Boomer Chronicles reports on the first reality TV show to feature folks over 60.

If you are still wearing “cute” when you should be wearing “classy”, then you need visit Fabulous after 40. The Glam Gals have some fashion advice about what not to buy to rid yourself of little girl style.

Just because we can say that we’re sorry, should we? LifeTwo.com and the WSJ have tips about when and how to apologize.

Want to avoid stooping as you get older?  Head over to Contemporary Retirement for a simple solution:

It’s All About Aging is signing Oprah’s No Phone Zone agreement to ban texting and driving. Have you?

And finally, one from The Baby Boomer Entrepreneur. I write about a heart-stopping moment I had in Help! I’m locked out of my blog! If you have a blog, please read my post and take my advice.

Happy reading!

Andrea J. Stenberg

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